Posts tagged Local
Trojan showing growth amidst adversity

“When we started this business, we always set out to prove that manufacturing is viable in Australia and especially in the Central West,” said Steven Turnbull, managing director of local metal fabricator Trojan Trays.

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What is it about Farmer Doug’s Gourmet Potatoes?

I have a confession to make. If you asked me a week ago, I would have told you that a potato is a potato is a potato. Sure, I knew there are varieties better suited to baking and others to mashing, but overall, I never considered that just where you source your potato could make a drastic difference. Tomatoes? Sure. But Potatoes…

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Our 2020 Community Project

Each year, Orange City Life likes to set ourselves a Community Project. Over the last few years our Community Projects have enabled a well to be put down in a community in Zimbabwe where the locals previously had to travel 5kms just to access drinking water, also we donated several thousand dollars to a school called the Miracle School in Pakistan

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Smith and Jones get set for Second Album

In a few short years Abby Smith & Sophie Jones have gone from meeting in a record store in Bathurst to an in demand musical duo whose debut album Dark Gives Way contained 3 singles which topped the Australian country radio music chart.

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