The Dog Haven

This incredibly heart-warming story was sent to us from Sue Field.


I have two Turkish friends, Ceren and Sedat, they have just told me all about the most wonderful example of altruism and what a love of animals can achieve.

In Turkey, unfortunately, there are large number of street dogs but in the city of Bursa a committed band of volunteers have taken on the challenge of doing something unbelievably caring and practical for these abandoned animals – and not just dogs!

Several years ago, one young man, named Emre, decided to help these stray, sick and unloved street dogs. He started taking them home and looking after them. But eventually he couldn’t manage them all at home. So, along with some friends he rented a field and built some kennels for the dogs. He then approached some restaurants for their left-over food to feed the dogs. During this time he met other people who were equally interested in the welfare of these animals and just over two years ago they formed a voluntary organisation.

The original field is now a magnificent 3,000 square meter garden housing not only 500 dogs but also some retired horses and donkeys. And now thanks to the generosity of Nestle Purina Turkey, who donate ten tonne of dog food frequently, the dogs no longer have to rely on food scraps.

The dogs come from a variety of places, many have even been abandoned and left in the forest, rubbish tips or on the streets. Sometimes the volunteers will go to an animal shelter and take the sick and sad animals back to the garden. All of the animals require medical treatment, food and love.

Some, as a result of injuries, are disabled and may not be capable of walking, and in these situations “walkers” are made and fitted to enable the dogs to move around freely. All of this care and treatment is provided by the volunteers, including some Vets who give of their service without cost to the organisation. Other times the Vets may give of their service at a reduced fee which is met by the volunteers themselves or donations from generous individuals.

The dogs don’t all stay in the garden/organisation, the very lucky ones find a home and a family of their own, and not just in Turkey. Incredibly, many of the animals find homes in the United States of America, in Europe and Canada. The families are carefully vetted before adopting the dogs and have an ongoing relationship with the organisation which is called “her eve bir pati” this translates to “A Paw in every Home”.

If you would like to find out more about this heart-warming organisation please go to or
