What is The Healthy Mummy?
Orange local Sophie Barrett is an independent consultant for The Healthy Mummy. After having children herself, she explained, “I know it’s really hard to lose weight and get back on track - you’ve got family, you’ve got responsibilities and Healthy Mummy made it easy for me.”
So, what is the Healthy Mummy?
“The aim of The Healthy Mummy has always been to empower Mum’s to live a healthier life and it started off with just a few hundred Mum’s using the program on Facebook to now - eight years later over 825,000 mums are part of the Heathy Mummy community worldwide and transforming their health, life and body.”
“It is about healthy and realistic weight loss and healthy living. It is not trying to achieve a six pack - but empowering Mums to learn about healthy food, healthy living and doing that in a supportive environment.”
“As part of this company, we have smaller support groups for local Mums, and I was lucky enough to be chosen to support and encourage the wonderful Mums in the Central West. I have been operating as a business now for two years and have made many amazing connections with Mums who are looking for support, love and encouragement, from women who have or are going through the same things that motherhood brings. Our support group has over 2,000 wonderful women and it is growing every year.”
“We have a wide range of products I sell from home, as well as a 28-day challenge, I sell smoothies, cookbooks, kids smoothies, snacks and a range of merchandise. I organise regular get togethers, ranging from morning teas, park dates with the children, and bootcamp.”
“It’s a fantastic opportunity for mums to feel connected and supported instead of alone and isolated, which is how we often feel after having children. It’s showing Mum’s that it can be done around kids, I’ve now got three children, ages seven, three and six months, and it’s just great to know that you can exercise and eat at home, and that you can create some recipes for your fussy children, they actually eat it!”
“It makes me feel good to know I’m helping change other peoples lives as well, it’s a big part as to what The Healthy Mummy is, that we support and lift other women up. In the past we’ve tried to be really positive, there is so much that drags women down and objectifies us, but we celebrate all of the small achievements.”
For more information visit Sophies Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/SophieBarrettHealthyMummyConsultant/