Go to the Camel Races on us!

Orange City Life has 10 tickets to the Orange Easter Charity Camel Races to give away and you could be one of 5 lucky winners, we’ll give two tickets away to five people.

The Camel Races are on at Towac Park on Easter Sunday, April 21st from 9am and it promises to be a fantastic day of family entertainment.

Apart from the laugh a minute camel races, there’ll also be toy camel races, gum boot throwing, a fancy dress competition for both children and adults, rides, entertainment, face painting, a variety stalls and more.

Gates open 9am, first race at 10am, adult tickets are $10, children under 16 with an adult are FREE, and aged pensioners are $5.

How to win:

To win one of the five FREE double passes (that’s two tickets each), simply be one of the first five people to call our office after 2pm on Tuesday April 16. The number to call is 6361 3575 and we’ll take calls straight after 2pm, not before.

Good luck everyone!