The secret to happiness

There’s no doubt about it, when we feel happy, we’re at our best.

Problem is, the way the world seems to be going, it’s getting harder to get one’s head or mindset in the right space to maintain a happy demeanour. All around us we see the results of greed and self-interest playing out.

I’m probably like a lot of people, and more so given my over 70 age, struggling with the way life is played out in this age where technology not Superman, moves faster than a speeding bullet. That said, I don’t want to dwell on things that annoy or frustrate people like me, but rather I want to share with you one of the methods I use to maintain my happiness.

We’re all well aware of the sayings “Love your neighbour as yourself” and “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”, both of these fly in the face of having attitudes of greed or self-interest, on the contrary I believe they hold the keys to real happiness.

Some time back now, I realised that I was at my most happiest when I was helping others. Instead of wallowing in everything that was wrong with the world and getting frustrated and annoyed every time something didn’t go the way I’d hoped for, I tried to turn my thoughts to who I might be able to do something for or help in some way. I’ve always been this way inclined anyway, but I decided I needed to up the ante. Since I made that decision I’ve been much happier with life generally and although I still get frustrated and ticked off with a lot of what I have to deal with each day, my focus is now such that I don’t let them impact on me as much and especially on those around me. I’m still a grumpy old man, but hopefully more bearable, more measured and less animated when I’m venting.

So, with those thoughts in mind, and no matter what state of mind you may be in right now, let me encourage everyone reading this to consider what I’m saying and maybe give it a try. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, even simple things can make such a difference. Let me give you a few suggestions on where to start.

Simple words of encouragement can work wonders. If someone does something worth praise, praise them! We see simple encouragement like this each week in our Thumbs section. I encourage you to use our Thumbs section and as often as you wish.

A simple smile can do wonders for how a person feels, so smile often! You can always add a greeting as well. Don’t be afraid to say hello and smile as you pass people when you’re out walking, rather than look down at the ground. Greet the person on the check out too. Their job must be so monotonous so someone who smiles and says hello must surely lift them.

Offering help to someone who needs it can also do wonders. If someone needs help, help them! How often do we hear of someone who needs help, think about what we could or should do for them, and that’s as far as it goes. Let’s do better next time and actually do something.

I’m sure you’ve now got the idea. If I’m right, the secret to true happiness is being other people minded. If that’s not you, and you’re not an overly happy person, you might like to try some of the ideas I’ve suggested and see where it leads. It certainly worked for me.