Nichola Macqueen - People of O-Town

“I grew up in Orange and moved away in my University years studying Bachelor of Fine Arts, after Uni I travelled quite a lot.

I spent a year living in Paris. I saved up and moved there to paint and to explore Paris- I lost a year in Paris, I think everyone needs one of those! *laughs* It was amazing, it was so different to here, their whole culture and way of life, being able to go to the art galleries and see all of the famous works.

Everyone in Paris lives in tiny little studio apartments, I had a 24-metre squared apartment and that was considered big (my friends only lived in 15 square metre apartments). I lived in London for two years after that as well, I went over for an art exhibition and stayed there for two years. *laughs*

Being an Artist, I always needed a job to supplement my art, that was hospitality for me. Through the years I worked my way up the ranks into cooking and found a love for baking. My favourite thing to bake would have to be apple and rhubarb bread.

I love painting, I do it both personally and professionally, as well as Jewellery making.”