Outstanding Musical Achievements
The Orange Regional Conservatorium will be celebrating an exceptional year for students at their annual Proms Concert on December 1 at 11am.
Students have received higher exam results, more university acceptances and performance opportunities than ever before.
“Highlights from this year include over forty students attaining A or A+ grades in AMEB music exams. These results are a testament to the quality and dedication of the ORC’s teachers, who work tirelessly with students each week to support and develop music education across the region.
“Another standout success includes having five students recently selected to be part of a Regional Youth Orchestra project, the musicians will rehearse and perform with Staatskapelle Berlin for a three-day education project enabled by the Sydney Opera House,” said James Buchanan, Marketing and Events Manager ORC.
Supporting and mentoring HSC students is another key part the teachers do daily, this year a number of ORC students were given early acceptance into top universities around Australia including the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the Australian Institute of Music.
“To give an example of the hard work and dedication shown by our students, one young cellist, Isabelle Clarke-Randazzo has this year achieved; an A+ in Certificate of Performance (cello), Distinction in Musicianship 3rd Grade, awarded the James Byrne Senior Strings Scholarship, awarded the Orange Eisteddfod Senior String Scholarship and is also was a member of the Regional Youth Orchestra.
“We are incredibly proud of our students and teachers, and the outstanding accomplishments achieved this year. We would like to invite all members of the public to join with us in congratulating these musicians as they perform in the Farewell Proms Concert,” said James.
“Concert: Saturday 1st December 11:00am
Orange Regional Conservatorium, 73a Hill Street, Orange
Entry by gold coin donation, all proceeds donated to drought relief
Additional information: www.orangecon.org.au”