Posts in GALLERY
Wangarang team show their Footy Colours

Sadly, the rugby league season is nearly over, and when I say nearly over, I’m saying for me, a proud Tigers supporter, it is completely over. For others though, they are gearing up for an exciting few weeks of finals footy.

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Great sportsmanship – great games!

Last week the annual inter-school Netball competition, Marianne Murphy Shield was on, bringing together teams from Canobolas, Orange High, James Sheahan, Kinross and Orange Anglican Grammar school to PCYC. 

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Artist brothers shaping a new future in Orange

The turning point for Carl and Eden Plaisted happened on a beach in Bali last September. Nine short months later, the brothers are sitting across the table from me on a wintery day in their new hometown of Orange.

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Talk about spectacular!

Our friend, photographer and drone pilot Troy Pearson dropped into our office earlier this week to show us some recent storm shots he’d taken. They’re incredible and Troy has kindly allowed us to share them with our readers. Enjoy!

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