Comfort top priority for palliative patients with new state-of-the-art ‘cuddle’ beds
Local advocacy group Orange Push for Palliative say they are delighted to announce the arrival of two double-sized ‘cuddle beds’ which will enhance the end-of-life experience for palliative care patients and their families at Orange Hospital.
The installation of the beds means families will be able to hold their loved ones close in their final days and hours.
Valued at more than $68,000, the two specially-designed state-of-the-art beds have been made possible with funding by the NSW Government facilitated by NSW Minister for Health, Ryan Park.
“This came about after our local member Phil Donato set up a meeting with Mr Park and the Premier Chris Minns during their cabinet visit to Orange earlier this year,” Orange Push for Palliative President Jenny Hazelton said.
“Our group explained the work we have been doing and continue to do to provide additional amenities for palliative patients and their families in Orange and were surprised and thrilled to be offered these funds on the spot to purchase the beds.”
The two beds installed in the palliative unit in Medical Ward A at Orange Hospital can be converted to double-size to allow families to hold their loved ones close at the end of life. With the aid of sophisticated technology, they will provide a comfortable and ‘weightless’ experience for the patient.
“These new beds incorporate new state-of-the-art technology in the specialist-designed air mattresses, which are the first of their type to be used in our health district,” said Mrs Hazelton.
NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park said the new cuddle beds will help create a more comfortable environment and experience for patients receiving end-of-life or palliative care, as well as their families or carers.
“I’m pleased to see the beds have now been installed at Orange Health Service, which will help provide a sense of comfort and peace for patients and their families,” Mr Park said.
Member for Orange Phil Donato said the new cuddle beds are an extremely important initiative for palliative patients and their families.
“These beds will allow families to be close at a very sad time at the end of life,” Mr Donato said.
Mrs Hazelton said Orange Push for Palliative will continue its commitment to providing amenities for palliative patients and their families and looks forward to maintaining a strong and positive relationship with Orange Health Service as the group continues to support palliative patients.