Vinnies Van Community Sleepout, August 30

Locals are being asked to brave the cold and spend a night sleeping rough on August 30, to help the Orange Vinnies Van break the cycle of homelessness.

The Orange Vinnies Van Service Community Sleepout sees individuals and teams of friends or workmates sign up to spend one night sleeping out in the cold to raise money for the vital work of the service providing meals and assistance to homeless and vulnerable people.

“It is a bookend, really, to the month of August, which is focusing on homelessness issues and making people aware of what's happening in their own backyard,” Vinnies Van Services Coordinator Keith Dowling said.

“This is an opportunity for people to experience what it actually feels like to sleep rough out in the elements… Participants bring along a sleeping bag, and a pillow, we'll provide them with a beanie and some cardboard and it is a rough night. I did it last year and not a lot of sleep gets done, but at the same time, this is what we want people to experience.”

But there will also be a bit of fun and camaraderie at the sleepout as well, Keith added, with fires to enjoy, along with music and games.

But one night of a little discomfort can make a world of difference, Keith said, as this event is the major fundraiser that keeps the Vinnies Van feeding those in need all year round.

Over the last two years, Keith said the number of people visiting the van has almost doubled and they are now running a weekly service, rather than fortnightly, to cater to the demands.

“Expenses, as everyone is appreciating, the rising cost of living, we are affected by that as well, so all money raised at the sleepout goes directly to support the work of the Van,” he said.

It is not only short-term relief in the form of a sandwich or something warm to drink that the van offers, Keith explained, but it is also a point of contact so Vinnies can offer more substantial assistance to those who require it.

“We don't turn anyone away; whoever needs food relief is welcome to come and visit the van. Then it's an opportunity for us to start that conversation over a number of visits,” the said.

“We have a wraparound service that can refer them on to care and support at our Orange office and members at the society can sit down with them and ascertain what they are really requiring, whether it is food vouchers or bedding, blankets and even financial assistance.”

This Friday, August 9, Keith and the Vinnies Van will be joining other local service providers at a Homelessness Week Expo, being coordinated by Plus Community in Robertson Park.

From 10am to 2pm, at the CWA Hall local service providers including Plus Community, Headspace Orange, Vinnies NSW, Homes NSW and Lifeline Central West will be on hand to offer support and information about what they can provide.

“We encourage people to come down and find out about the services that are available in town — maybe for someone they know, if not themselves,” Keith said.

“Homelessness…  is not as visible a thing here in Orange, so much as it is in Sydney, but it is very real, just the same.”