Remembering ‘the best Olympic Games ever’

“There was an excitement in the air!” says retired lawyer Graham Blore, recalling his run with the Olympic flame 24 years ago.

“You gathered together in a bus and everybody was full of enthusiasm! It was a wonderful day. I did a few pirouettes on the way. I mean that's how I felt about it!”

A long-time Orange resident, 93-year-old Graham has been very involved in community affairs in a number of local organisations, including the Orange Show. He was also active in community affairs in his childhood home of West Wyalong.

But when he was selected to be one of those carrying the Olympic torch, he was given a place in Bathurst.

“They ended up sending me to Bathurst to run…. up the hill! It was quite a run,” recalls Graham.

“My four-year-old grandson ran with me. They wouldn't let him run next door to me, but they allowed him to run at the side of the road, so that was quite something for me.” 

For proud Greek Australian Chris Gryllis, the chance to carry the flame lit at Olympia, the ancient home of the games, was a profound experience. The walls of his office are adorned with Olympic memorabilia including one of the official torches from the relay.

“It was just a wonderful experience… a beautiful experience. When I was notified about carrying the torch, it was the greatest feeling that you can ever get!” says Chris, who actually missed out on being selected in the initial selection of runners.

“There were a lot of applications… The interest at the time from people to participate was enormous! Really big. In fact, I wasn't selected from the first lot because of the great interest, but they added another thousand runners and I was notified after the second selection — I couldn't believe it!

“The Olympics,” he continues, “is something deep in my veins, because it was instigated in Greece, and so I felt very good and very proud about it.”

Chris laughs about also enjoying the brief taste of celebrity life the experience brought him.

“When I carried the torch, for the first time in my life people wanted to take photos with me ‘Oh Chris, can we take a photo with you?’” he says. “I was a celebrity for half an hour, which was great stuff!” 

Chris, who attended a number of Olympic events in Sydney, was lucky enough to have witnessed Cathy Freeman winning gold in the 400-metre final.

“And I'll tell you what, the atmosphere! The volunteers just had smiles up to here… everybody was willing to help, to welcome you there. It was just an incredible feeling!” he recalls. 

To celebrate the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Chris is hoping to get together with others who took part in the Sydney 2000 Games or the torch relay for a small reunion in Robertson Park or nearby if the weather isn’t great.

“If there are any runners or family members with a torch, let's meet somewhere and exchange photographs or memories or whatever,” says Chris.

“As the then-president of the Olympics said, it was the ‘best ever’ Olympic Games!”

Anyone interested is invited to contact Chris at Chris Gryllis Real Estate on 6362 5999.