Gosling Creek residents take a drive down memory lane

Residents of Gosling Creek Aged Care got a real treat when the Central Tablelands Historic Car Club came to visit last week. A lovely morning was spent reminiscing and admiring.

A 1952 Land Rover caught the eye of resident Joan Giddings, who drove solo in a similar vehicle across the Nullarbor Plain.

“It’s those stories that are just so wonderful to hear,” said event coordinator Chris Gray. “It’s just nice to bring the cars here to the nursing home for the elderly people to look at and reminisce.” 

Six cars of varying ages were driven out the front of Gosling Creek, including a 100-year-old Willys-Overland, and a 1927 Chevrolet. 

Lifestyle Services Coordinator of Gosling Creek Aged Care Melissa Delaney said residents had been counting down the days until the cars came, and she is so thankful for the club for making the trip.

“It has just been amazing to have these cars here, our residents have been so excited,” she said. “We have had our dementia residents here today, and it’s just given them their spark back. Some of their families came to visit and it’s been amazing to share that experience with them. We’ve got residents that don’t leave their rooms usually, that don’t like doing a lot of things, they’ve been out and just admired the vehicles and had a chinwag with all the owners. It’s just been splendid.”