Energy efficiency and electric vehicles in the spotlight for Orange Sustainable Living Week

This Sustainable Living Week, the Rotary Club of Orange is looking to highlight practical ways we can all reduce waste and improve our household water and energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint.

Orange Sustainable Living Week 2023 will kick off with its signature event, the Orange Sustainable Living Expo, from 9am to 2pm on Sunday October 29 in the Naylor Pavilion at Orange Showground.

The Expo will feature a range of exhibitors who’ll be providing expert advice, goods and services to support community members striving to live more sustainably, Rotary Club of Orange president Don Martin said

The Expo is also being held in conjunction with the club’s popular quarterly Community Markets, so you will also find stallholders selling other products including food and produce, plants, gifts, jewellery and more.

 “Through the Sustainable Living Expo we want to promote Orange as an environmentally sustainable city by providing all the practical knowledge and skills to help the community work together to reduce our carbon footprint,” Don said.

Electric vehicle (EV) technology will be a feature throughout the week. At the Expo there will be a display of electric vehicles and a Q&A session for community members to chat with EV owners about their experiences.

And on November 5, local EV owners are inviting the community to a “show and ride” day, to experience EVs in person.

Other events planned for Orange Sustainable Living Week include: community garden tours; a sustainable cooking competition for high school students; Ploughmans Creek wetlands walk; inspection of a local off-grid house;  and a planting day at the Waratah Wetlands.

Orange City Council’s Environmental Sustainability Committee chair, Councillor David Mallard is encouraging residents of Orange and surrounding areas to take part in this year’s event and find out more about how we can improve energy efficiency in the way we live and work.

“Now, more than ever, people all over the world are recognising the need to be more environmentally conscious and reduce our impact on the planet,” Cr Mallard said.

“We can all do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint and there are lots of simple steps we can take every day to live more sustainably, reduce waste and protect the environment.”

Orange Sustainable Living Week is being supported by Orange City Council and Charles Sturt University.

For more information, visit the Rotary Club of Orange website: and keep an eye on their Facebook page for updates. The Rotary Club of Orange are still accepting stallholder and exhibitor nominations for the Expo on October 29. Visit their website for details.