Help Sebastian find Sharky; a lad and his very special dog

Pets provide us with far more than just companionship and company.


Their loyalty, unconditional love, and good-natured optimism, can touch and even transform the way that we view the world.

So it has been for local Sebastian Jones, whose special bond with his dog “Sharky”, has been broken by the cross-dingo’s sudden disappearance last week.

Sebastian has been so distraught by Sharky’s loss, that he has offered a very substantial reward in this week’s Orange City Life for anyone who finds the nine-month-old half-grown dog and returns him safely.

“He was a private adoption in the Seal Rocks area near Forster. I grew up here, but moved up there due to COVID,” Sebastian explained.

Sharky, however, has touched Sebastian’s heart in ways that he never thought possible.

“Absolutely, he’s definitely turned my life around in a very short period of time,” Sebastian said. “In many ways, he’s more like a son, rather than a dog.”

“I wasn’t a very spiritual person, but he’s taught me this, in a very profound way. He’s something very special,” Sebastian added.

From a hobby farm in the Nashdale, Woods Lane, Cargo Road area, Sharky’s disappearance is, Sebastian said, well out of character.

“He’s been missing since Friday; he’s never been away for more than a day before now.”

Sebastian’s flyer points out that his pet is not in any way hostile or belligerent. “Sharky is well trained, rather shy, and timid. Not aggressive, sweet nature,” the ad states.

“Because of his background, he’s more like a skittish horse than a typical dog in his temperament, he’s a very timid animal,” Sebastian added.

With, what he says is a gentle nature and attractive appearance, he thinks that someone may have adopted Sharky as a stray, unaware that his owner is desperately seeking his return.

“Someone may have taken him in, that’s what the reward is for, so that he will be returned,” Sebastian said.

For now, Sebastian’s doing his level best to find his special companion, spending most days in his search for the dog that means so much to him, as he tells Orange City Life his story. “I’m out towards Lake Canobolas looking for him, I’m going to stay out here and start spotlighting until I find him,” Sebastian said.

Due to his wild origins, Sharky cannot metabolise beef or grain additives properly, with fresh turkey or chicken best fulfilling his dietary needs.

“I’d love to have him back and am happy to pay the money, no questions asked,” Sebastian concluded.


Can you help? If you know something or have seen Sharky around, call Sebastian on 0481 700 776.