‘Pet-It-Forward’ to help our four-legged flood victims

The devastating flooding that ravaged Eugowra was not just a catastrophe for the people who lived there, but also for the town’s four-legged residents.

So when the Department of Primary Industries put out the call for help, the Orange Vet Hospital — like so many other local businesses — were quick to lend a hand. 

“It was pretty shocking seeing the town itself — it was just demolished,” said Orange Vet Hospital veterinarian, Ryan Lane, who put his hand up to help provide treatment and care to injured pets and livestock after the floodwaters receded.

“I’ve never been involved with something like that — it was pretty confronting… lots got away, basically unscathed, but unfortunately some were washed away in the water and farmers lost a few hundred head of sheep and cattle.

“We’ve seen a lot of cuts and abrasions, infested wounds and things like that on pets but the water moved up so quickly that people weren’t able to move their stock or horses,” continued Ryan, who said he was happy he could help out.

“It’s just sort of doing our part. There’s no incentive or reward we want for it — we just want to help the animals so no one’s suffering,” he added.

Orange Vet Hospital is now hoping local animal lovers can also lend a hand to support  families and their pets affected by the floods. While there are so many people doing it tough after this disaster, the vet hospital said the costs of treating these animals has been a lot for their own business to bear.

They have set up a ‘Pet-It-Forward’ fund to allow donations to come in to help people pay for vet bills and are also accepting donations of pet food, which will be distributed to Eugowra residents through the Local Land Services.

With this year's weather being so unpredictable, Ryan urged pet owners to keep their animals in mind when making emergency plans.

“You couldn’t pre-plan for this kind of event. But if you can have a plan for where your animals will go that’s your best bet. And contacting a vet is always a good idea in emergency situations like this,” he said.

To donate funds to the Pet-It-Forward you can call the Orange Vet Hospital on 6361 8388 or send money directly to the bank account below with the description ‘Pet It Forward’. All donated funds will go directly to flood victim pet bills.

Account name: Orange Veterinary Hospital

BSB: 082774

Account number: 247450134

Reference: Petitforward