Canobolas High School Students feel the great relief of early entry

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Charles Sturt University has announced five senior students from Canobolas High School as the recipients for their first round in offering early entry for 2022 and beyond.

Blair Bella, Aleisha Miller, Tyler Dent, Jess Looby and Nate Landers were the HSC students fortunate enough to be the announced recipients.
For those who chose to go on and complete their Higher School Certificate, might remember the rush of emotions, academic expectations and pressures of wrangling all their selected subjects and major projects at the time.

Harbouring the uncertainty of will we get into our desired university or respective courses with the final marks and ATAR ranking we’ll end up achieving.

A daunting prospect for many students, even greater when the ripple effects of a global pandemic is thrown atop of them.

Orange City Life had the opportunity to find out what’s like being an HSC student at this current time experiencing the repeated lockdowns from Canobolas student Blair Bella.

“Preparing for the HSC has been rough; any student will tell you that. What they won't tell you is that the aspect of remote learning remerging in 2021. It has put off many students caring about their HSC and ATAR. Many students do not know how to traverse the lockdown situation. It’s really tough for our education.”

Luckily, for Blair, who has been offered his first preference in studying a Bachelor of Health and Medical Science at CSU Campus in Orange, an immense pressure being lifted off his shoulders.

“It’s taken a lot of stress off, being offered my first preference. There are many of us who are trying to have as many safety nets up as possible. I am one of the fortunate individuals who was able to get into my course,” Blair commented.

Blair has big plans beyond his secondary education, he’s certainly a young person who knows exactly what he wants to pursue as a career:

“I have big dreams. I’m planning to transfer from my course and take the UCAT exam (University Clinical Aptitude Test) to study Medicine. I will end up completing five years in total to become a qualified medical professional.

If I am to study again, it would be to specialise in either Forensic Pathology or Emergency Medicine,” he added.

 For now, Blair’s primary focus remains on what’s ahead of him, the forthcoming HSC exams.

 Studying through the Big Picture Learning Program, Blair’s chosen subjects are quite different to many of his classmates, totalling 15 units worth of academic work.

Seven of his units are in mainstream education Blair explains.

Including the intellectual heavy subjects of Biology, Mathematics, Investigating Science, Extension Science, Work Studies, English Studies, Portfolio & Presentation and Computer Applications.

Orange City Life would like to say our congratulations to Blair and his fellow Canobolas students Aleisha Miller, Tyler Dent, Jess Looby and Nate Landers for being offered early entry by Charles Sturt University.

This is such a huge milestone in your schooling journeys and the OCL team wish you all the best in the HSC exams and your future endeavours.