More hands at the House that love built
Training Up – Rosie Middleton (front) and Deb Williamson (second from right) orientate RMHC Orange’s newest volunteers Lorraine Short, Clare Whiffen and Corey Willmott.
Over the last couple of weeks Ronald McDonald House Charities in Orange has welcomed several new volunteers to the team, these volunteers support staff by carrying out a range of tasks at the house.
RMHC Executive Officer, Rebecca Walsh said, “We have welcomed our new volunteers with open arms as we have been running at capacity or near capacity for several weeks and have been actively looking to increase our volunteer base.”
Last Thursday new volunteers Lorraine Short, Clare Whiffen and Corey Willmott were welcomed for their first training session at the house.
Newcomers to Orange, Clare Whiffen and Corey Willmott had no sooner settled into their new jobs before they contacted RMHC Orange to offer their time.
Clare is said to be helping with administration work while Corey will be volunteering on one of the housekeeping shifts and as an overnight volunteer.
Lorraine Short, who is also volunteering for the housekeeping shift, has a family connection with Ronald McDonald House Charities.
“My nephew and his family were in a situation where they needed to stay at a Ronald McDonald House and so I always thought when I had some time available, I would like to volunteer,” Lorraine said.
Corey mentioned having children of her own meant she could relate to the challenges faced by families living in rural and regional areas, as they seek specialist treatment for their child.
Also stating, for herself and Clare, becoming involved in the community and volunteering has been a very positive experience for them.
“We came here for our work, but we just love Orange so much. There are so many beautiful parks and there is so much to do here,”Corey said.
Executive Officer Rebecca Walsh says it has been lovely to watch new friendships blossom amongst volunteers at the house.
“I think everyone here is just so friendly, and the volunteers regularly catch up with each other away from the house,” she said.
“Although Covid put a stop to our social activities last year, our volunteers are starting to plan outings again.”
Since RMH opened its doors, 825 families from the central and far west have stayed free of charge at the house for a total of 6,708 nights.
If you think you would like to become a volunteer at Ronald McDonald House in Orange please call 6363 1960 and ask for the House Manager Bronwyn Cooper, or Executive Officer Rebecca Walsh.
Did you know? Volunteers can choose in what ways they wish to contribute to RMHC, from housekeeping to administration, outdoor maintenance, overnight volunteering, outdoor maintenance or fund raising.