‘There is a taste out there for the sort of art that’s being done in Orange’
Art from the Heart artists Sandra Wenban, Tracy Wilkinson, Val Randahl, Penny Fulmer and Audrey Tonkin are among more than 50 local artist who have been exhibiting at the Summer Centre pop-up gallery this Summer.
A local art pop-up gallery has proven popular with locals and visitors alike. Now organiser and artist Hank Spirek is looking for young up and coming creatives to get involved.
“I'd like to encourage some younger faces, I can't promise them a lot of space, but I would like to see examples of their work on a couple of the screens we have available here,” said Hank, who has been pushing for owners of empty shopfront to allow locals artists to exhibit their work.
The pop-up gallery space at the Summer Centre was the result of Hank’s campaign though Orange City Life and our sister publication Newswatch.
Since opening the doors of the temporary gallery in November last year about $14,000 worth of work has been sold and between 50 and 60 artists have exhibited work.
“We have shown a fair range of work and I'd like to increase that range with some younger artists if possible,” said Hank.
“I also want to encourage them to get involved in the manning of the exhibition, so they have some idea of what's involved when people come in and ask about art, practice their skills of selling their own art as well as other peoples.”
Hank is keen to see a broad range of styles in the pop-up, which has been well received.
“I'd like to broaden it a little bit, just to give the people that come in a wider taste of the sort of art that'd being done in Orange… the people that come in, the citizens of Orange express their joy in this sort of an exhibition being up, because it shows such a range of work, a range of Orange Artists, and they appreciate that.”
While the Summer Centre location has been a success, it is only temporary, and Hank would like find more landlords willing to open their properties to artists.
“We have this temporary space through at least February, but where can we go from here? We have the artists, we showed that we can work together, we've showed that people of Orange like it, because they've put their hand in their pocket and bought a lot of work, and that there is a taste out there for something more than just in the main galleries,” said Hank.
“There is a need for it and we've shown that we can manage it. So I'd like to ask any business person who thinks that they may have shop space in March and after to please come forward.
“I want the people of Orange to see that this really is a vibrant, artistic community... so support it! I think it would be a real boon for the town if there are any businesspeople who are willing to step up to the plate.”