Our Central Hub of Nature

Despite being the middle of winter Cook Park is well and truly putting on a show for the locals. With the help and upkeep of Orange City Council it’s so fantastic to see the park full of families most days.

During the midst of Covid the outdoor play equipment received a facelift and reopened just in time for the school holidays. The Cook Park swings now have a new six-seat swing set, fixed into a smooth rubber surface, designed to make the structure more accessible for people of all abilities.

The swing set features three standard swings, a toddler swing, a carer-and-child swing where they can swing together facing each other, and an inclusive ‘boat’ swing, a hammock-like swing for people with mobility challenges.

The ducks are waddling about, some flowers are beginning to come out, how lucky we are to live in Orange! Cook Park is open every day from early morning until dusk.

People using outdoor play equipment are reminded to follow COVID-19 public health orders including washing your hands before and after using the equipment, wiping down equipment before and after use, and maintaining physical distancing of 1.5 metres from people you do not live with.