Miriam Dawes solo exhibition

Miriam Dawes is one of Orange’s senior citizens with a fascination for all the visual arts, which — in her words — ‘can be found everywhere.’

Since her retirement from the workforce, Miriam has made use of her extra time to explore the art world and her favourite medium — water colour. She has produced many beautiful and delicate works, developing a very recognisable style of her own.

In more recent years, Miriam has moved out of her comfort zone and tentatively dabbled in abstract art. It was receiving tuition from Neil Cuthbert that turned her world upside down and now bold and colourful works are emerging from her studio.

Miriam is also a member of a group of like-minded artists who enjoy going out into the wilderness to immerse themselves in nature and put down their impressions on canvas. With this group of ‘Wilderists,’she has spent time painting in the Capertree Valley and Lake Mungo.

Miriam’s latest solo exhibition is now on display at the Orange Art Society Inc. Gallery (located in the Cultural Centre rooms and accessible from the Woolworths Carpark) and includes works from all the above styles.

The official opening will take place on Saturday 18 July, 2-4pm. Light refreshments will be served.

The exhibition will run until Saturday 8 August. If the flag is out at the door is open, head in and have a browse!