Driver wanted!

Who thinks it would be great if as a community, we could come up with a simple yet beneficial community project that those who choose to, could play a part in?

My thoughts go back to the way the community came together to build the Adventure Playground near the Botanic Garden, and likewise with the building of Ronald McDonald House. Despite any setbacks, opposition, controversy, or anything else, these projects and others became a reality that thousands and thousands of people now enjoy and benefit from. Such achievements make us feel good, they make us feel part of something worthwhile and they bring us together as a community.

We seem to have lost that. We haven't lost the willingness to give or support causes, Australians are probably giving more than ever to the myriad of charities, causes and needs that we're asked to support now, but what I'm talking about are those community projects that leave lasting benefits for a community to enjoy, like the Adventure Playground.

In the past, service clubs like Rotary or Lions have often been the driving forces behind such projects and I'm sure that all over Orange there is evidence of this, the disabled swing at the Adventure Playground is one example that comes to mind, the Rotary Park lookout near the top of Dalton Street is another. Service clubs have historically been right at the forefront of many community projects but like so many things, an ageing membership and so much red tape to do anything now, seems to have dulled their willingness and enthusiasm to undertake anything too significant. My guess is it may be a case of the spirit is willing, but the red tape isn't. I think it's fair to say that we've probably missed out on any number of wonderful projects or initiatives in Orange simply because the times now make it almost impossible to do anything without a hell of a lot of drama, red tape etc. I could go on but I'm sure that would just bore you no end.

My questions therefore are - Isn't it time we changed that? Do we want to? Can we as a community, take charge and do something good, despite how the world operates today?  If we were able to start something, would you be willing to help us finish it in a sensible timely manner and well before hell freezes over?

I'm certainly up for the challenge but I need help.

Ideally, I need a service club or a group of service clubs to drive an idea that I have for the Botanic Garden. It's a simple and straight-forward idea that will add great value to the Gardens and provide local families and visitors with a good deal of amusement and pleasure in this wonderful but under-appreciated facility. I would love to share my idea with representatives from one or more local service clubs, either independently or as a guest speaker at one of their meetings. Any club willing to do that can contact me at the OC Life office 6361 3575 or

For the record I have had preliminary discussions with the Council about my idea, and they assure me that they have no problems with the idea in principal at this stage.

Please, let's not see another good idea just die through lack of interest or without a reasonable evaluation, we're better than that, aren't we?