The thrill of wide open spaces

When it comes to seeing different parts of the world Grace Pitts has one requirement, it’ll be done on the back of a horse.

Having spent most of her life in the saddle from the age of 10. Grace stumbled upon a new way of ‘holidaying’ just three years ago, yep, you guessed it, it involved four hooves, two ears, a shiny coat and a heart of gold, it took just that, and she was hooked.

“I’d seen the ‘Globetrotting’ agency pop up on Facebook a few times showcasing rides around the world and it became a topic of conversation between my friends and I almost immediately. Obviously, I’ve been hooked ever since my first trip,” said Grace.

“So far these travels have taken me to British Columbia in Canada at Tsylos Lodge, High Country Glenorchy in New Zealand at High Country Horses and we’ve also participated in some Australian rides including Narawantapu and Cradle Mountain in Tasmania. Even more recently I participated in a mounted archery workshop in Byron Bay.

“I get a real kick out of horse riding. I think most riders would agree it’s a love of building a bond and relationship with them and being able to achieve something together. Riding holidays are great to experience landscape and culture whilst doing something you love, it’s also pretty cool to have a hoon and go fast.

“When it comes to riding I like new challenges and pushing myself to be a better rider, whether it be trying new things or learning different or more advanced ways to communicate with and train horses.”

Whilst exhilarating and incredibly rewarding, Grace ensures the trips are also usually physically and mentally draining. With tour options from four to 14 days, riding each day can range between three to six hours.

“I’ve made a lot of really great memories and each tour brings something beautiful and different to the table. In Canada I loved having long, slow lopes below snow-capped mountains (with no phone reception), in New Zealand I loved having a long canter/gallop with two fellow riders across a flat where Tom Cruise was filmed for Mission Impossible 5! There’s so much variation with each place you go. When I do my rides I tend to tack on a bit of other tourist activity but the rides are always the highlight of the trip.

“Now that I’ve done it a few times I don’t think I’ll be able to stop. It’s just something that gets you into the nature of other countries, you’re experiencing many things people don’t ever get to see, it’s a nice change to switch off from the hectic everyday life and enjoy wide open spaces.”

With opportunities endless, Grace has another trip booked in Ireland at Castle Leslie later this year, pending Covid-19.