Your chance to return the favour

How much do you value your weekly copy of Orange City Life?

In the 12 years we’ve been producing our magazine, we’ve had a constant stream of people tell us how much they enjoy their copy of our magazine each week, and if you’ve been with us since day one, you would have received around 600 copies of our magazines during that time, and at no cost to you whatsoever.

We want to keep it all going for a number of reasons, but given what’s happening in businesses right now, that’s become extremely difficult, you see it’s businesses who advertise with us that enable us to provide OC Life each week at no cost to readers, many of those wonderful businesses are themselves now fighting for survival.

Among the reasons for keeping OC Life going are that we employ eight full time staff along with a number of casuals who do our deliveries, clean our office, take social photos etc. Then there are other service providers who derive some of their income from us including a local freight company and an independent family printing business in Sydney. Before Coronavirus we put almost a million dollars back into the economy each year.

Then there’s the value of what we do to make Orange and surrounds a better place for all who live here. No one could put a value on that but the fact that around 13,000 copies of OC Life have been picked up week after week for 12 years suggests something good is happening.

Finally, we’ve been able to give countless people, events and businesses heaps of publicity in one form or another for both their benefit and for the benefit of those they are trying to reach.

With all that said, the bottom line is this.

Like so many other businesses at this time, we don’t know whether we’ll be able to afford to keep going or not. We don’t know for sure whether we’ll be able to secure enough advertising, we don’t know whether the Government will tighten the screws even more, we don’t know if businesses that we rely on (our printer for example) can keep going and so on.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is we’re up for the fight and I’m not leaving one stone unturned in my efforts to keep my staff employed and my community served in the way that we do, and our readers entertained.

One stone I’d like to turn right here and now, is to invite you our readers to consider making a cash donation towards helping keep Orange City Life on the streets each week. It’s desperate times and this may seem like a desperate measure, but I’d prefer you to look at it as an opportunity to return the favour that we’ve done for you over all those years. We’ve often been asked why we don’t sell OC Life, many have said they’d gladly paid for it.

That’s not who we are but any donation you make now could be viewed a bit like paying something for all those years of free reading.

I’ll leave all that with you to consider.

If you would like to donate, you can call our office on 6361 3575 and use a credit card, or you can use other means like dropping cash or a cheque into our office or by posting a cheque in the mail.

Thanks for considering helping us to keep bringing out the best in people while capturing the spirit or Orange.