Anything and everything to brighten your day

February is one of those times each year when things tend to be pretty quiet, we’re catching our breath after the hive of activity and expense surrounding Christmas and the school holidays, the kids have just gone back to school, and this year we have the added dramas of drought, bush fires and a deadly virus to contend with. It’s hard to feel good isn’t it?

The way many people are feeling has been on my mind for a while now, and I often wish I could do something more to lift the spirits of people. Of course, Orange City Life  goes some way towards bringing a little relief and enjoyment for people in this area each week, but I’ve often wondered how we can let more people, that is people in other parts of the Country, experience what OC Life readers enjoy each week.

Over Christmas I decided I’d like to give that a go, and I already have something in place to help me do that.

Sometime back I started a website called National Life and the idea was to use this site to tell inspirational stories about people, events, achievements etc. from right across Australia. The site has been up and running for quite some time now and there’s quite a few stories on there, but to be frank, it hasn’t yet captured the imagination of enough people to be anything significant. It never was expected to be an instant success but something I would slowly grow over time.

I’ve now decided to give National Life a huge makeover and expand the content to include a lot of similar features to those that appear in Orange City Life. The idea is to see if we can attract a national audience of people who will enjoy the same type of reading that we currently include in OC Life, but only on an online platform. Time will tell.

For now it’s very much a work in progress, but if successful, I’m looking to forward to people all over Australia logging into the site on a regular basis and feeling the same way about National Life as locals here do about Orange City Life. National Life will also give locals a further source of enjoyment because much of the material will come from readers all across Australia. My ultimate aim is for the site to provide readers with anything and everything to brighten your day so who knows what might end up on there.

National Life won’t change the world, but I honestly hope it brightens the day and the lives of people who come to read it often. We all need things in our lives that help us keep balanced and feeling good, and apart from anything else, a happy disposition is good for our health and wellbeing as well.

We’ll keep you informed about happenings on National Life but in the meantime, let me encourage you to log onto from time to time to see if anything catches your interest. I hope you like what you see.