Blayney Auxiliary Members Re-Unite
Lola Wyatt recieves her Internal Life Membership certificate from Kathy Geoff
Dedicated members of the Blayney Hospital Auxiliary were recently reunited for the first time since the COVID-19 lockdown.
The small yet mighty group (with just nine members), are eager to get back into raising money to better the Blayney Health Service.
Secretary, Lola Wyatt has been a part of the Auxiliary group for in impressive 40 years and says whilst the group is small, each individual is dedicated to raising funds to purchase equipment the hospital needs.
“Blayney has had an auxiliary since 1908, it was set up to raise funds to build the new hospital, to take place of the cottage hospital that was not adequate to the growth of the district.
“The Cottage Hospital dealt with just about everything. It was war time, and they had the soldiers coming home then.
“Auxiliary members would ride around the properties on horseback to get animals they could raffle in town, like sheep, chooks and cattle. The hospital was then built in 1910.”
“Most of us have lived in Blayney our whole lives and we have fond memories of the hospital.”
Almost 40 years ago the Hospital Auxiliary group had 30 members efforts, and their Melbourne Cup lunches were one of their most popular events.
“Until COVID arrived, we were having street stalls, raffle days, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas and Easter. With few members we can’t do a terrible lot but without our fundraising, but I don’t think the hospital would be able to function as well as it can and we certainly don’t want to lose our service altogether.
We would also like to thank Newcrest Mining as they have been very generous with their donations.”
As the group wind down for the year, they mention they are always very grateful and welcoming of new members. “As you can see, by the age of most of us, we could do with some young blood,” Lola laughed. “We always have lovely outings and are great friends, and we always finish off with a nice cup of tea or coffee.”
Kicking off again on February 17, 2021. The group meet on the third Wednesday of each month. If you would like to join the Blayney Hospital Auxiliary and help make a difference, please contact Lola on 6368 3943 or President, Kathy on