Recognition from Abbeyfield

Leanne Boss, Nanette Fogarty, Marianne Bradley and David Kay

Last week, the Abbeyfield House Orange took an opportunity to recognise some of their long-term volunteers, celebrating with a lunch at Duntryleague Golf Club.

Some of the volunteers had been with Abbeyfield since the beginning which, in Orange, was in the 1990s. Chairman of Abbeyfield Australia Board, David Kay provided certificates of Appreciation to the volunteers on the day.

Abbeyfield Australia is a national not-for-profit community housing provider of Independent living.

Orange Chair of Committee, Maureen Horth said, “The biggest change in Abbeyfield is the age of residents, the concept back in the 90s was for people in their 50s and 60s, and now we range from 60-90 year old’s, I think that reflects what is happening in the community now, people are staying in their homes for much longer. It’s that step between living in their own home and being totally independent, to needing more input and support.”