Charlie Everett’s War: what was little box for?

What do you put in a small wooden box 12.5cm x 18cm with a round-hole in the front and the hand-drawn image of a bull on one side and “Calare 89” on the other?

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Charlie Everett would like to know; the box came to light recently during the three-year cataloguing of all 1600-odd items at Orange War Museum.

Charlie is one of four volunteers that, since 2016, have spent one day a week painstakingly cataloguing the disparate collection of war memorabilia at the Orange RSL sub-branch in Anson Street.

“We’ve only got about one month to go, but we came across this (the box) the other day and non-one has any idea what it is,” Charlie explained. “We thought someone might know what it is and let us know,” he added.

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The box is made of a light-tan varnished wood with an elliptical hole in the front, a small pull-out tray underneath, and the bull and identifying name and number on the sides with a small carry-handle on the top.

“The only clue is that, when you pull the tray out, there appears to be ink-stains on the bottom of the tray,” Charlie said.

Have an idea? Then Orange War Museum would like to know; call Charlie on 6361 1830 with any suggestions.