Legacy thanks you for your support

Last week saw students, military personnel and other volunteers hit the streets of Orange for the annual Legacy Appeal.

For the past 71 years, Orange Legacy has been supporting the loved ones of those who died or were injured while serving their country. Today they assist some 400 women and children and rely on donations during Legacy Appeals Week to continue to do so.

“Legacy's charter is to assist the widows of men who did not return from the war and those who died afterwards of war-related injuries,” said Orange Legacy President James Linton.

“That's our charter and that's what we do.”

Many of those Legacy supports are now elderly and so they help out by arranging lawnmowing, gardening and repairs, even subsidising winter heating costs.

“Orange legacy do have two young children and we spend a fair bit of money on them because they are quite young, and their mother would be the youngest widow we've got,” said James.

All this is paid for thanks largely to the generous donations and purchase of badges and merchandise during the first week of September each year.

Missed out on buying a badge? You can donate to Legacy at any time, visit legacy.com.au to find out how.