We’re Moving On

Are all topics exhausted? I fear there’s nothing left to write about!

Well, they do say that “no news is good news”. But, after 476 columns for this fine family magazine, I’m a bit terrified that a lot of my material has just bitten the dust all at once. Probably like most people who put pen to paper for one reason another, I’ll think of a topic to write about whilst I’m in the shower, or out for a run, or cutting wood, or more often than not, while driving. Making a mental note of the topic is becoming more and more important as I get older, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten more topics than I remember. Nevermind, hopefully they’ll bounce around in my head and come back to front of mind sometime.

WooHoo! No more elections for a while! Please, please, please, let there be nothing to write about in this area for a loooong time. No more backstabbing pollies, no more blame games, no more onions, no more of any of it. I hope. With an informal vote rate of over 6% (and who knows how big the donkey vote was??), I think it’s pretty clear we are all ready to move on. To hear that Clive wasted over 60 million to try and get some power is just plain wrong. Plain sad. But I don’t have an answer about combating that.

Now that little Archie has come into the world, there can’t be any more reasons for us to go ‘Royal mad’, can there? I’d love to think we could all spend our time doing better things than swooning over the privileged people.

For those who know what I’m talking about, adventures in the world of Westeros recently came to a thundering end (no spoilers given here). One less thing for the educated viewer to worry about. There’s sure to be another brilliant television series come along, but we had to wait more than half a decade after ‘Breaking Bad’ finished before ‘Game Of Thrones’ took up all our time. It might be a while until we are again singing the praises of characters like Jon, Dani, Tyrion and the gang. Thanks for providing escapism and great writing material.   

I did promise to never again mention his name in my jottings, but the chair-throwing antics from Nick Kyrgios (which saw him disqualified, yay!) are so un-Australian it’s ridiculous. The fact that tennis Australia actually paid for much of the teenage years of this guy flies in the face of all things good about our country. My fingers are crossed that we’ll just never hear from this guy again. I’ll happily avoid writing about him again.

I guess the same goes for Israel Folau. They told him not to. He defied them. They turfed him. Simple. It’s not about free speech. He hid behind ‘free speech’ to cause misery to those different to him. Shame on him. Hopefully we’ll all get to move on from that kind of garbage too. No place for it in the lucky country.

It’s pretty naïve to believe that any or all of the above topics won’t be in the news again in at least the longer term. There’s sure to be a new royal scandal, a politician who gets caught doing the wrong thing, some drunk and out-of-control young punk throwing punches at those doing their job, or some jerk from the sporting world abusing the position of privilege he has. I’m anticipating that next time I’m in the shower doing some ‘thinking’ I’ll come up with something CityLife-worthy to write about without having to delve into the aforementioned well-exhausted topics. Writers block? Pffft. No way. There’s always something to write about.