Markets and medieval fun at Newbridge Winter Solstice festival

Excitement is growing in the village of Newbridge as preparations ramp up for their annual winter solstice celebrations.

The winter solstice celebration is styled somewhat after the Celtic mid-winter celebrations and

The streets of Newbridge will be filled with medieval fun and games, English-style street markets, Viking combat demonstrations, belly dancers and the Great Dane magician.

The festival culminates with a bonfire and the burning of the wicker man.

“This year we have exciting new initiatives to add to the already impressive program,” said Newbridge Progress Association president Wayne Moore.

“There will be a grand castle entrance, a wicker man competition for locals, stocks for fun and photos as well as the opportunity to purchase a wicker man for the bonfire.

“So, get your friends, workplace, family together and purchase one… Write your problems and worries and put them in an A4 envelope, we will attach this to your wicker man and you can watch your problems go up in flames!”

The celebrations begin at noon on Winter Solstice, 22 June, with the burning of the wicker man taking place at 5 pm.