Little thought – BIG deal!

Sometimes, a small act of kindness can make a bigger difference than you think.

When Orange Ex-Services Club executive assistant, Julie Archer, organised a wheelchair so World War II veteran David Birt could participant in this year’s Anzac Day march, she thought little of it.

But to Mr Birt it meant much more.

“It gave David the opportunity to go around the march with his mates, rather than sit in a bus and not be able to see anything,” said Graeme Harris, president of the local Naval Association of Australia sub-section of which Mr Birt is a member.

Mr Birt, 93, is a Navy and Airforce veteran, who participated in the D-Day landings at Normandy. He is only one of two surviving World War II members of the local Naval Association.

To show their appreciation for Julie’s kindness, Naval Association members made a special presentation last week, much to her surprise.

“It really meant a lot, believe me,” said Naval Association secretary Tony White.

“David dearly wanted to march this Anzac Day, but we were having a bit of trouble organizing it. Julie organised a wheelchair for us, organised with the police to be able to get him down here, so he didn't have far to walk and all the rest of it.

“We couldn't have done it without her and this is just a small token to say thank you very much Julie and how much we appreciated it. David was over the moon and it made his Anzac Day for him.”