Creative kids and obliging dads brings success!

Students from Mullion Creek Public School have successfully exhibited a number of sculptures at the recent, ‘Sculptures in an Orange Garden’, winning the best school entry and two children's choice awards. That wasn’t enough for them! They then entered into the Orange Show and received another win.

The whole school project began with Principal Mrs Beer and Art Teacher Mrs Cloete (and parents) sourcing materials for the children to use. Pieces retrieved were then laid down and students began their process of configuration. 

Students were told the sky is the limit when the time came to think up a design and wow, did they deliver. Principal, Mrs Sally Beer said, “A lot of our older students looked at Abstract (memory boxes/circle of life) and were abstract in their thought processes, including the artist statement, which we think is very clever. Mrs (Sharon) Cloete is the driving force behind the Art projects here, she does incredible things and is very creative, she spoke to the children and gave them lots of inspiration.”

Over two days, seven ‘Super Dads’ offered to help and spent their time supporting the projects by jumping on the welding gear for the students. “They had conversations like ‘Is this where you want it’, so that their vision became a reality in the 3D form that it is. ‘I want that feather this way.’ The Dads were very patient, they would move and adjust things as the children spoke to them, so it’s really nice to see the parents around supporting those creative activities.”

“Our students were very excited about the wins although they just loved creating them. It’s about the creation and what they could see and how it came about building the structures - not necessarily about the win. It’s just beautiful to watch, the way they talk to one another and designed and built and made.”

“I think every sculpture is amazing, I love them. I loved watching the children create, how they brought them to life.”

If you want to get a look at the sculptures, you’ll have to be quick! They will be up for sale (on Election Day), sold at the school - ballot style.

Congratulations to the Mullion Creek School community, you have good reason to feel proud.

Winners are grinners

Winners are grinners