Millthorpe village turns-out to thank those who served

David Dixon sent us these photos and a little information about Millthorpe’s Anzac Day celebrations to share with readers. Thanks David!

Rejuvenation of Anzac Day in the Australian community was clearly-illustrated at Millthorpe’s recent march with most of the village’s population in attendance.

More than 1000 locals witnessed the touching parade and memorial service which featured Millthorpe Public School’s now-traditional performance of the Anzac Day song, “Lest We Forget”.

Revival of the Millthorpe march started with only a few dozen people after a 40-year break with each year witnessing increased support and attendance at the ceremony, Bill McDougall from Lyndhurst Sub-Branch of the RSL explained.

He believes that the success of the local event shows the renewed understanding of the importance to our nation of the sacrifice of previous generations of Australians.

“My Dad Bob led the last march here in 1962… we decided in 2001 to start it back up here and in that first year we only had about 20-people,” Bill added.

The march was led to the Millthorpe War Memorial by the Canobolas Highland Pipe Band with Millthorpe School putting-on an Anzac Biscuit-themed morning tea after the event.

March organizers then travelled to Carcoar for a similar event later that same day; doing their bit to keep the spirit of Anzac alive throughout the villages of the Central Tablelands.