Technology – it’s the future!

Orange Public School students were given a taste of the future last week when the STEMshare trailer (one of five across the State) drove through the school gates.

The trailer is about providing STEM kits for schools to borrow and to begin their STEM journey. Students got to trial each robot for 30 mins which included the; Blue Bot, Dash Robot, Lego and Virtual Reality, students could experience going to Mars and the Great Barrier Reef without leaving the classroom.

Department of Education, Central West STEMshare Leader, Geoff Childs said, “Today is about introducing STEMshare to all the masses of high schools and primary schools so that they have an opportunity to embed STEM into their curriculum and to their classrooms and make sure they have access to those resources.”

“It’s an experience for the students and also it’s so the Teachers can get an insight into ‘How do I embed STEM into my practices and my classroom’?”

With STEMshare having the potential to unlock new pathways for students. They are encouraged to think critically, creatively, work as a team and communicate clearly to learn and engage in the ever-evolving technology.

A new syllabus will come out that integrates Digital Technology’s due to automation becoming such an important aspect for everyone’s future, “We want to make sure the students get the skills, to futureproof them, for the jobs of tomorrow, and STEMshare provides that with all of the different types of lesson activities, and robots that meet those digital technologies, it’s amazing what the kids can do and they enjoy it, it’s great, fun stuff.”

Virtual reality with Mikaylee, Harry and Jessica.jpg