RYDA - it just makes sense!


Now in its 12th year, the annual flagship Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program (RYDA) is delivered each year to over 50,000 students from more than 650 participating schools.

RYDA is a series of practical and powerful workshops for year 11 high school students that change the way they think about road safety and lay the foundation for safe road use throughout their lives.

Hosted jointly by Orange Rotary, Orange North Rotary, Orange Rotary Daybreak, the day takes place each year at Towac Park Racecourse. The program is very popular in Orange with schools always eager to get involved. Orange High School, Canobolas High, Anson Street School, Anglican Grammar, Orange Christian School, James Sheahan Catholic School, Kinross Wolaroi, Yeoval and Molong Central took part this year. We captured the session with Molong Central School students as they participated in the ‘Speed and Stopping’ session, here, students learnt about the importance of car safety features and maintenance, students also experienced the relationship between speed and stopping through practical observation.

Facilitators work with students to develop and practise personalised strategies and life skills which will help them respond positively to challenged on the road, both as drivers and highly influential passengers.

An important lesson for all to learn.


Sessions Included in the Day
-Speed and Stopping
-Drive SOS
-The ‘I’ IN Drive
- Road Choices
- Crash Investigations
- Genevieve’s Story

Image courtesy of Road Safety Education
