Try Dragon Boating in Orange

Pinnacle Dragons Abreast welcomes you, whether you're visiting or living in the Orange area, to their come and try day.

Congratulating the mens team.JPG

On Sunday 10th February, beginning at 9am at Lake Canobolas. There is lots of fun, laughter and morning tea to be had - all you have to do is bring yourself, a sense of fun is essential.

Dragon Boaters can be found four times a week training on the beautiful Lake Canobolas at the foot of Mt Canobolas, you’ll likely hear the laughter and chatter before you see them out on the water.

Opportunities with the club include; competing at local, state and national competition levels. Once in a while trips away are organised such as, Tasmania marathon, Vogalonga, ‘the long row’ around the islands and canals of Venice, to Canada and even Israel.

Members are invited to participate in as much or as little as they like. Pearl Butcher from the group said, “We encourage those aged from 12 years upwards to participate in the exhilarating sport of dragon boating. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and are aged from 13 years to 79.

You don’t have to be super fit to enjoy dragon boating - all that’s needed is a sense of fun, and a willingness to be part of a fun-loving team of paddlers whose ability is as wide ranging as their backgrounds. Some members are cancer survivors - not that you’d know it, others just want to have fun while getting fit and making friends.”

The fully accredited team of coaches and sweeps (helmsmen) provide a training program for:

-        Those seriously competitive paddlers

-        Those who prefer a more 'social' get fit session to competitive training,

-        The club provides the experience of dragon boating to groups for the disabled

-        For corporate and community groups with team building in mind - or just plain having fun.