Bellringers Weekend

Jennifer Derrick writes:
The Holy Trinity Orange Pealers are hosting a special bellringing weekend on 9 & 10 February 2019.

Many experienced ringers will be coming from Sydney and Armidale to join the Orange Pealers in a full program of Quarter Peals rung at the Holy Trinity Bell Tower from 10am to mid-afternoon on both Saturday and Sunday.

A Quarter Peal typically lasts for 45 minutes each and features 1,250 different changes to the order in which the bells are rung. This requires both stamina and enormous concentration on the part of each ringer.

Fortunately, our visiting ringers are old hands at ringing Quarter Peals and, although many or our local ringers have also rung Quarter Peals, we still like to have experienced ringers to increase our expertise and confidence.

Quarter Peals involve what is known as 'method ringing', which is the practice of ringing a series of changes in the order in which the bells are rung. There are many different methods with truly original names. The methods being rung over the weekend are called 'Plain Bob' and 'Grandsire'.

Fortunately, to the uninitiated, the results are simply a beautiful sound emanating from the bell tower. Often ignorance is bliss because when we make a mistake the sound is still magnificent (unless we 'clang' together!! Heaven forbid!!)

For anyone interested in hearing the bellringing over the weekend of 9 & 10 February, the best vantage spot would be just outside or on Byng Street opposite the Church.

Further information on the ringing can be obtained by contacting either Norma Cother on 0400 809 441 or Jennifer Derrick on 0412 352 299.
