Ben Casey - People of O-Town

“I was born and raised in Townsville. After living and working in Sydney for a while, I knew I’d had enough of Sydney, though I really wanted to stay working connected to the Public Service, it’s been a big part of, well the majority of my career.

I moved to Orange in January, taking the role of HR at Regional Investment Corporation. It’s actually quite extraordinary how many people in the City are connected to Orange or someone in Orange. I automatically felt as though I had taken a great opportunity and the first week I was here, I could just feel a community/country vibe.

The variety of things that are in Orange were quite surprising. It’s a great spectrum, I’m really grateful and really surprised at the different kinds of social opportunities and activities (I do love my food and wine). I certainly haven’t been bored since I arrived. *laughs*

I love to travel, I’m really looking forward to exploring this region of Australia. I lived in London for two years, I got to do some amazing things that I ticked off my bucket list, I got to go to Egypt, Jordan, Turkey.. those moments when you’re standing there touching the Pyramid, it was just one of those moments in life when you’ve kind of got to pinch yourself. I guess working as hard as I have, I felt like that was my reward - to be mindful of that work-life balance.

I also have a real passion for indigenous culture, there is a real lot of connection out here that I am still yet to explore, a lot of history here as well, I’m a real history buff.

I co-created the ATO’s very first Indigenous recruitment program called the ‘Evergreen Program’. I’m really passionate about my job and my career, I really feel as though I have achieved a lot and I have worked with some extraordinarily talented people (especially with the ATO). I am proud of being a major role in getting our Indigenous program off the ground. It was really rewarding seeing what the opportunities brought them and their families, it is something I will always be very proud of.”