Random rocks of kindness

It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day; it could be a kind word, a smile, or even a small rock.

Painted rock groups have sprung up all over the world and over the past year, Orange locals have been eagerly getting involved in craze of painting and hiding rocks for others to find.

“I love random acts of kindness,” said Bec Jefferis, the woman behind the popular local Facebook group Orange Rocks.

It was on a trip home to the UK in 2017 that Bec was introduced the painting rocks, joining her nephews and niece at a local workshop.

“I had such fun painting the rocks with them, I thought I'd love to do this when I get home,” said Bec.

“But I came home and had a little look and see if Orange had rock page and they didn't. So, I thought how cool would, it be if I started a rocks page and started putting rocks around Orange for people to find.”

Over the 14 months Orange Rocks has been active, Bec has lost count of the number of rocks she has painted and hidden around local parks.

“It would be over 200 at least! I take them out into the Botanical Gardens and all the parks… I even hide some at the Adventure playground early in the morning before the kids are in their playing,” said Bec.

“A lot of mine disappear so I imagine that they've been kept, especially when they are pretty and the kids find them… Whether it's adults or children that find them I hope it brings a smile to their face.”


On the back of her rocks, Bec often directs people to post a photo of their find on the Orange Rocks Facebook page and then keep the rock or hide it for someone else to find.

Finding a rock often leads to families getting involved in painting and hiding rocks of their own.

It is a great family activity said Bec, who also finds painting rocks a mindful activity that helps her own mental health and sense of wellbeing.

“I really enjoy seeing them find my rocks and get involved because they think it is a good activity to get involved in, she said.

This weekend Bec is encouraging people to take part in the state-wide NSW Rocks Christmas Rock Drop and will be painting rocks at Bissy’s Café.

To take part, Bec only asks for a gold coin donation to cover the cost the rocks and paint.

“NSW Rocks are encouraging everyone to do a massive rock drop on this one weekend and hopefully lots and lots of people find them and get involved,” said Bec.

“I'm going to be at Bissy's Cafe on Saturday morning from 9am until midday I will be painting my own rocks there and anyone can come along and join me, because I will have loads of prepared rocks so they can join in.”

You can find the Orange Rocks group on Facebook.