Standing Up Against Violence

On Monday 25, coinciding with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2019. The Orange community were invited to march down Summer Street to recognise and remember the 63 Australian women and 21 children who have lost their lives to violence in 2019.

Both men and women were encouraged to join in the march, with volunteers holding a card that had the name of an Australian women who lost her life to violence in 2019.

The march took place along Summer Street, across Robertson Park, and they gathered on the roof of the Orange Regional Museum to remember those who have lost their lives to violence.

Housing Plus, Head of Community Services, Penny Dordoy said, “It is so important that we come together as a community to remember the women and children who have died this year as a result of domestic violence. It reminds us to look out for each other, and to reach out if we think someone needs us.”

Well done to all who took the time to get involved and march, what an incredible turn out.