Big move for little snack Shack

We will all have to wait two weeks to get our hands on another delicious chicken schnitzel burger from the Little Snack Shack, but owners Garry and Regina Kearl promise the new food court refit will be worth the wait.

After more that 20 years in its current location, iconic Orange City Centre fast food eatery The Little Snack Shack is on the move. With the Orange City Centre renovations nearing completion, the Little Snack Shack will be temporarily shutting down from October 31, reopening in their new food court location next month.

“We are all supposed to be reopening mid-November; it is going to be fantastic,” said Regina Kearl, who is excited about their new location in the revamped section of the Orange City Centre.

“We have had 20 years of people saying to us “where can we sit to eat?” so to have the food court is going to be wonderful… over 200 seats I think, and there'll be a playground right next to us for the kids…

“And it will look amazing! People will be surprised by how classy it all looks. It is going to be beautiful!

Garry and Regina bought the Little Snack Shack back in July 1999 and have remained one of just a handful of food vendors in the CBD shopping centre.

“The business is one of the originals in the Centre — Angela's Country Gourmet, it was called and then became the Little Snack Shack six months before we bought it,” said Regina.

“When we bought it, it had rabbit traps and barbed wire and all this stuff hanging off it! So it has had a few different makeovers over the years.”

Garry and Regina may have seen plenty of changes in the shopping centre over the last two decades, but some things always remain the same.

“Schnitzel rolls with lettuce and mayo were really popular 20 years ago and they still are today. Chips with chicken salt, chicken chippies, hamburgers, bacon and egg rolls — those staples just haven't changed at all,” said Regina.

“But the thing that sticks out to me the most is that we are now serving children of the children we used to serve! And some of the kids that started with us at 14, who worked with us right through their university studies, now they are bringing their babies in! It is amazing; we've seen lots of changes!”

When the Little Snack Shack reopens next month, Regina assures us that all your fast food favourites will be back along with some new tasty offerings.

“We are going to really push our burgers a lot more. We have always sold burgers, but the menu will be a lot more prominent towards our burgers, but other than that we will stay the same,” said Regina.

“We really want to thank our customers for the last 20 years and let them all know that even though we are moving and we are going to look different, we are still the Little Snack Shack! Nothing is changing, but our location!”