What could you do with an extra $250,000 in your life? It’s not hard to imagine ways you could spend the money!

So, let’s make it happen and avoid you becoming another statistic. All you need to do to make this a reality is start taking superannuation seriously.

In 2014, a Grattan Institute report found that, on conservative assumptions, the average 50-year old Australian today will have his or her super balance reduced by almost $80,000 in fees (in today’s dollars) at retirement if they are in the highest cost fund versus lowest cost fund.

A 30-year old will lose even more — more than $250,000 — or about a quarter of his or her total balance.

Still think super is boring and not worth paying attention to?

This is your money we’re talking about.

Sorting out your super is one of the smartest
financial decisions you will make

There are some fantastic super funds out there that can allow you to supercharge your money with amazingly lows fees and reap the rewards when it comes time to retire. The sooner you pay attention to it, the more powerful the results will be.

Sorting out your super is one of the smartest financial decisions you will make. Your future self will thank you for it!

Let’s put this in context…

·  A Westpac study in 2016 found three in four people wishing they had looked after their super better in their younger years.

·  The previous year’s survey revealed 49 per cent of working Australians ranked their car keys, mobile phone and laptop or tablet as “more important” than their super savings!

·   Contrast this with nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) of Australian workers saying they would like to live more comfortably in retirement than they currently did we have a complete disconnect between what people want and where their priorities lie.

Now imagine you get into a low fee super fund to save a fortune AND combine that with a better investment strategy. Imagine you then start drip feeding just a little more into super on a regular basis. Do these things and you can be adding hundreds of thousands of dollars more, maybe even millions, to your future wealth. All without any need to borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy something like an investment property.

Nothing fancy, just sensible strategies, a bit of discipline and time. This is how people achieve financial freedom!

Paying attention to your super right now and getting it set up the way you deserve it to be is like buying a guaranteed winning lotto ticket, you just have to wait a little while to cash it in.

Yours for the taking if you want it!




If you’d like to find out more about how INDEPENDENT financial advice could help you manage cash flow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to

Daniel McGregor is the man behind Wealth Train and is a member of the Independent Financial Advisers Association of Australia. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only.

Daniel McGregor and Wealth Train are authorised representatives of Independent Financial Advisers Australia AFSL 464629