Orange CBD Upgrade: Your say so far

Council has called a community forum next week as planning begins on a $30 million upgrade to the Orange Central Business District.

The project, labelled the ‘OC Future City initiative’ is aimed at supporting jobs growth as well as improving the look of the CBD.

Announcing the community forum on Wednesday, Orange Mayor Reg Kidd said upgrading the CBD was a key priority for the community based on feedback they received while preparing their Community Strategic Plan earlier this year.

The ‘Where to Next?’ consultation drew a range of suggestions for the improving CBD, but better parking was clearly at the top of the list.

Parking was also the main concern identified by Orange City News when we conducted an informal poll of Summer Street businesses owners back in June.

Other responders called for improvements to traffic-flow, better pedestrian access and crossings.

Improving pedestrian safety at the intersection of Lords Place and Byng Street is another issue previously raised by Orange City News.

Converting one of the CDB side streets into a pedestrian mall was also on people’s minds, with some suggesting Anson Street, while others preferred the option of Lords Place. There was even a suggestion to convert the Woolworths car park into a European-style piazza or town square to be used for community events.

Improving access and facilities in Robertson Park and the Civic Square precinct was also part of the feedback previously received by Council, along with enabling all-weather and night-time use of the CBD, better lighting, and decorative festival lighting.

Council also received suggestions for toilets, bus stops, presentation improvements and better technology integration in the CBD.

Orange Deputy Mayor Joanne McRae said they are still very open to ideas, and she encouraged people to attend the Community Forum.

“Council is open and listening to ideas, not expecting any one answer or favouring a particular perspective,” said Cr. McRae. “This is genuine consultation to develop our CBD strategy”. 

The community forum will be held in the Council Chambers from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, 30 August. Attendees can register by emailing