Bottle return partnership a win-win

Wangarang Industries is cashing in on a new relationship with Orange Ex-Services’ Club that’s a win for the environment all while providing employment for disabled people in our community.

Wangarang employees visit the Club three times each week to collect bottles, plastics and cans specifically put aside by OESC staff in special yellow and green bins. From here, the Orange-based not-for-profit organisation takes bulk loads of these recyclables to the Orange and Bathurst Return and Earn reverse vending machines, collecting 10 cents for each item.

In the first three weeks of the partnership 4,260 items were collected by Wangarang from the Club, which equates to $426.

 Wangarang Industries CEO Kevin McGuire said they are excited about partnership as there is room to grow the idea and expand the service to other pubs, clubs and cafes.

“There are no losers in this,” Mr. McGuire said. “It helps the Club by reducing their recycling or waste costs. It certainly helps Wangarang, because it does put some dollars in the bank , from the 10 cents from every item. But more importantly, from our point of view, it does provide jobs for people with disabilities in the factory.”

Orange Ex-Services’ Club President/Acting CEO Graham Gentles said the project has got off to a great start.

“We see this as another way to contribute to our local community, as well as conserving our environment and being sustainably aware,” Mr Gentles said.

“It’s a successful partnership and it also helps the environment.”

Mr. Gentles said staff have been very receptive to the initiative, actively sorting recycling for the two new bins in their bars, and back of house areas.

He encouraged fellow members of the Orange Liquor Accord to consider partnering with Wangarang for a similar project.