Opinion: We need a Plan Bee!
I have an idea, and unlike most of my ideas, this one appears so simple yet could make an incredible difference to the world if it took off. It involves our bee problem.
It’s becoming well known that we have a serious bee problem, our bee population is being devasted and one of the reasons is that the bees can’t find enough food. If ensuring there’s enough food for our bees will go a long way towards easing or solving the problem, it seems to me that if everyone simply planted a little pot of flowers somewhere around there home, problem solved!
I call it Plan Bee and imagine if, as a nation, we were all encouraged to go to the local nursery and buy at least one punnet of flowers and plant them in a bucket, pot, tray or something. If just here in Orange we did this, imagine what a difference it would make, and not just for the bees, the colour spray would be beneficial in all manner of ways and apart from anything else, it would make us feel good as well.
Could anything be more simple or inexpensive and imagine what a difference it would make to the bee problem if enough people got on board. If Orange started the ball rolling, surely, we could then use the initiative for greater gain in a number of areas. Done right, we could publicise the fact that the Colour City is out to save our bees and then invite other cities to join us by doing similar.
Imagine, the colour it would add to our days while helping feed our precious bees.
Am I missing something or is providing additional food for our bees as simple as doing this?
If you agree, rather than get yourself or anyone else bogged in the paralysis of analysis, simply rock on down to Thomson’s Garden centre pick up a punnet of flowers and go for it? What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll spend a few dollars and add some colour to your world.