20 years of birth to bacon

They are one of Orange’s most popular family owned businesses and they make the most delicious hams, bacon, salamis, sausages and more, so much so that you just can’t help but make a pig of yourself.

Trunkey Bacon and Pork have been operating for almost 20 years and chances are their well known products have ended up on your table at one stage or another.

 “Everyone that is included in the business is family – from Granny (Raewyn), who makes the delicious relish and whose lovely face you see at markets, to my Mum and Dad (Fred and Zanzie), who work behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly. Then there’s me (Rebecca) and my sister Lauren and even our butchers who have been with us so many years they are part of the family,” said Rebecca.

 How Trunkey Bacon and Pork started is quite the story and it is one of a family who all started from humble beginnings.


 “It all began on a little farm in Trunkey Creek. My parents were newly married, and my dad would work 14-hour days, while my mum would stay home to look after my sister and I as babies. She was away from her family and an hour to the closest town, so she got a bit lonely, so my dad decided to buy her a few pigs to keep her company, and the rest, as they say, is history,” laughed Rebecca.

The team, or more so the family in this case, at Trunkey Bacon and Pork value quality, so much so that just about every process is done in house.

“We pride ourselves on doing everything from birth to bacon. Our pigs come back from the abattoir and we make everything ourselves, from the bacon to the roasts, to the salamis. Every bit is used in some way and nothing is wasted.

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 “We really care about what we do! Everything that goes out of our shop is tried and tested to ensure the highest quality, and that’s why people keep coming back,” said Rebecca.

Trunkey Bacon and Pork aren’t just your usual meat suppliers, they are always looking at ways to bring you something just a little bit different.


“We enjoy creating and making good quality smallgoods and fresh products. There is always something new to try – recently we have been making pulled pork pies and beef and spicy chorizo pies and we have recently started breeding ducks. Our business is adapting with the market and that is exciting,” said Rebecca.

You can find Trunkey Bacon and Pork at their shop in Orange on Endsleigh Ave or at markets throughout the region. The team is currently gearing up for a very busy Christmas and currently taking orders.