Orange City Life

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Orange not-for-profit steps in to help keep Vinnies Van on the road

The Orange Vinnies Van has been given a generous donation from local employment and training organisation OCTEC that will keep them on the road distributing food and other assistance to homeless and vulnerable people.

In response to the Orange Vinnies Van Service Community Sleepout fundraising appeal, OCTEC has donated $15,000 to the vital volunteer service.

OCTEC board member Tom Harvey has been a Vinnies Van volunteer for almost eight years. He said it is obvious that there are many people struggling to make ends meet in this current cost-of-living crisis which is why OCTEC has stepped in to help where it can.

“OCTEC realises that there are people who are struggling and it's seen by the donations that OCTEC gave to Foodcare and also to the Uniting Church’s Sunday lunches for people who are struggling,” Tom said.

“I just saw an opportunity, that we can support the Vinnies Van providing people who are struggling with food and things like that… OCTEC, realising that they've got some surplus funds, this is an opportunity to put back that money into the community, especially where people are struggling.” 

In response to a rising need, the Orange Vinnies Van increased its service back in May and is now making weekly, rather than fortnightly, runs through Orange every Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Vinnies Van Services Coordinator Keith Dowling said this donation will not only keep them on the road, but will allow them to provide even greater support to those who need it.

“We had a target of $10,000 to raise… We well and truly blasted our $10,000 Target. We're up to $20,000 now, so that's fantastic,” he said.

“And all of the funds that come from the sleepout will go directly into the Van, maintaining our presence in Orange and maintaining our weekly service but also looking wider because other communities in the region are requiring extra support as well. So that money is critical for us to keep on going and doing what we're doing.”

While the money is there to keep operating, Keith said they are always in need of volunteers, whether it be help making sandwiches or going out with the van at night.

"All we ask is just two hours every month if they can afford that time,” Keith said.

If you would like to volunteer or want to know more, call Keith Dowling on 0403 102 681.

The Orange Vinnies Van operates every Monday and Wednesday, stopping at locations in Torpy Street, Kurim Complex, Cootes Estate and Spring Street.