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New stadium to be named for former mayor John Davis

Orange’s new sports stadium will be named after former mayor of Orange, the late John Davis.

The decision was made at last Tuesday’s council meeting, the last of the current term before the local government elections on September 14.

The council unanimously supported the motion from Mayor Jason Hamling to name the new structure the ‘John Davis Stadium’.

John Davis, who died in October last year, was a lifelong sports fan, as well as a rugby league player and coach in his younger years.

He served more than 30 years on local councils, in both Blayney and Orange, before he retired in 2017.

Mayor Jason Hamling, who was first elected to council on John Davis’ ticket 20 years ago, said it is a fitting tribute to a man who did so much for the Orange community.

“Apart from him being our longest-serving mayor, I think the amount of work he did in sponsorship of all sports… We know without sponsorship, teams can't make it onto the paddock and he did a lot of that,” Cr Hamling said.

“He was an amazing rugby league player when he was young, and he obviously knew how to coach; he coached the Blayney Bears to a Group 10 Premiership. So he had a lot of personal involvement in sport, and I just thought what a fitting way to remember what he's done for Orange and the surrounds.

“He organised those treks that went out west, raising millions of dollars for Cancer Care West. And his council work...  I was on council with him from day dot, and I've seen what Orange was before he got there to what Orange is now, and it's just going upwards.”

The Davis family welcomed the news and thanked the council for recognising John’s service and dedication to making his community a better place.

“We were very honoured and proud to hear that the new stadium would be named after our wonderful John,” a statement from the family said.

“John would have been surprised, incredibly proud and probably a little embarrassed. He loved serving the Orange community, whether it was a small concern from a member of the community, or pushing to ensure that Orange got their share of funding for larger projects.

“He loved sports, having had great success as a player, coach and club president, but he loved supporting local sports even more, ranging from individuals to teams and entire sporting events.

“We would like to thank all the councillors for supporting Mayor Jason Hamling’s proposal.”

Work is currently underway on the first stage of the $59.5 million Orange Sports Complex project, which is the construction of eight new sports fields. Designs for the new stadium are expected to be finalised by the end of the year, which will then allow for development applications to be submitted for final planning approval. The new stadium is due to be completed in 2026.