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NSW first sees canine companions join Orange Hospital ED

Two new paw-fect faces have joined the team at Orange Health Service’s emergency department, and it’s safe to say they are fetching more than just smiles.

English Springer Spaniel “Ben” and Labrador Retriever “Freyja” have taken to their new role as Support and Wellness dogs within the Orange Hospital ED with enthusiasm.

Orange Health Service Director of Emergency Medicine, Dr Greg Button, initiated the program which is a first in NSW.

“After COVID-19 and the effect it had on our team and speaking with our staff we believed this was the perfect time to trial our staff wellness dog program”, Dr Button said.

“We really wanted to do this for our emergency department staff, who work incredibly hard in challenging situations. The dogs are here to provide support, lend an ear to scratch or a friend to take for a walk. It enables our staff to get out of the clinical setting and have a well-deserved a break when needed.”

The dogs are not in the clinical setting, and the program is based off a similar program that has been running for several years at the Royal Melbourne Hospital Emergency Department.

“So far we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our staff,” Dr Button said.

“We are currently doing a three-month trial and if it all goes well, we plan to expand it to have dogs here every day for the staff,” Dr Button said.

Ben is a 10-year-old English Springer Spaniel that has extensive training in obedience and behavioural skills. He loves to interact with people, thrives on affection, and his favourite thing to do is play ball.

Freyja is an almost two-year-old Labrador and has undergone basic obedience training. She loves walks, playing ‘tug of war’, receiving lots of cuddles and treats.