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“Incognito” art sale growing our gallery’s collection

‘Hidden Treasures’, the Friends of the Orange Regional Gallery’s (FORG) fundraising art sale is back on October 13-14, offering art lovers the chance to snap up some real gems from local artists.

First held in 2022, ‘Hidden Treasures’ is an art sale based on the format of the Incognito Art Show. Unsigned works are donated for sale, and then each anonymous artwork is offered at the set price of $100.

“They're unsigned work. You don't know who’s actually the artist until you pull it off the wall, but there could be a significant artist or two amongst them because we've got quite a few local artists of some note that have contributed works to this,” FORG president Richard Walker said.

Among the artists that have pledged to donate work are: Katrina Collins, Mary Donnelly, Amanda Holman, Libby Hackett, Andrew Jaffray, Jane Tonks, Kezz Brett, Ralph Tikepae, and Janine Allman.

“The back of it will be signed by the artist, so as I said there could be something by someone who's quite significant… and you could get something that's done by a school kid as well, but that's the luck of the draw.”

For those wanting the first look at what’s on offer, there is a ticketed preview of the exhibition on Friday, October 13. All available works will be shown by video giving people a chance to note their favourites prior to the sale.

“The works will be displayed on a big screen and people can have a look at those as they have a drink and a nibble. If they see a particular work they like on that screen, they can write the number down,” Richard explained.

“But as soon as the door opens, if they like a particular work, they just take it off the wall or take the note of which one it is, go to the counter and pay for it.”

With more artwork than can be displayed in the exhibition space, each piece will be replaced as it is sold, he said.

The sale will then continue on Saturday, October 14, which also coincides with the Farmers Market held in the North Court on that day.

Last year’s inaugural sale was a great success, Richard said, with most of the 170 works donated sold. 

‘Hidden Treasures’ is the major fundraising project for FORG, whose purpose is to fund the acquisition of significant works of art for the Orange Regional Gallery Collection.

“Over the last 10 years or so we've raised and spent nearly a quarter of a million dollars on works for the gallery, at least a dozen or 15 significant works,” Richard said.

“We as the Friends are constantly working to try and think about ideas to raise funds and this ‘Hidden Treasures’ event has been quite successful.”

The opening night celebration and presale of the ‘Hidden Treasures’ art sale gets underway at 5.30pm, Friday, October 13, at the Orange Regional Gallery. Book your tickets via Eventbrite.

The ‘Hidden Treasures’ art sale continues on Saturday, October 14, from 9am–3pm.